Death Note, a famous Japanese anime/manga series, follows the story of a genius High School Student Light Yagami. Light finds an odd-looking notebook in his high-school backyard and soon discovers that it has supernatural powers; whenever you write a name of a person in it, that person instantly dies from a stroke.
Sounds like fun, eh? Well, it gets even better.
Light initially decides to use the notebook to get rid of the „bad“ people in the world. He starts mercilessly executing all sorts of criminals . Soon, he becomes known to the broader public as Kira, which is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the word „killer“. However, very shortly after he writes the first couple of names down, things start getting out of the hand. Carried away with his concept of justice, Kira soon starts dreaming about creating a world where only the people moral by his own standards are allowed to live. He even openly refers to himself as the self-proclaimed god in this new world.